UPF South Africa

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How UPF Africa promotes peace in South Africa


Nation presentation

Situated at the southern tip of the African continent, South Africa, with its vast expanse of approximately 1.22 million square kilometers and a multicultural heritage reflected in 11 official languages, has historically been marked by mineral wealth, including gold and diamonds. Overcoming the legacy of apartheid, the nation is dedicated to addressing historical challenges and promoting economic transformation. South Africa's diverse economy, spanning mining, manufacturing, agriculture, and services, has undergone further diversification with an emphasis on technology, finance, and tourism. Actively seeking foreign investment and fostering innovation, the country navigates a path of modernization while preserving its rich cultural heritage and natural wonders, striving for inclusive development and a resilient, prosperous future for all its citizens.


Brief presentation of UPF:

UPF  was launched in Sandton Convention Center in 2005 after the roadshow around the country of the turning point of human history centering on the Interreligious International  Federation for World Peace by the then President Don Matterra Tiger with Rev Zenzele Kunene, Mrs Wakabayashi and Rev Ghomsi. In 2018, Mandela's centenary was celebrated in Mvezo with Chief Mandla Mandela, grandson of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. The event continued in Cape Town under the leadership of UPF co-founder Mother Moon. In 2019, Mother Peace organized two events, the Peace Festival and the Marriage Blessing, in collaboration with Imboni Radebe, in Orlando Stadium in June and in the FNB World Cup Stadium in December, both of which were sold out.


Government or large-scale organizations and institutions with which UPF collaborates in our nation

  • Moral Regeneration Movement

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